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New Press Release ! HP Regulator SimplHy® 70MPa and FittHy® 1/4MP Fitting are now EC79 Approved !

New Press Release ! HP Regulator SimplHy® 70MPa and FittHy® 1/4MP Fitting are now EC79 Approved !

June 2017, AD-VENTA is already presenting its second generation of products, which is expanding its range of EC79 approved components to be integrated into hydrogen-powered vehicles!

AD-VENTA today unveiled a new Hydrogen regulator from the SimplHy® range: the SimplHy® 70MPa, an integrated pressure regulator to safely control the pressure from 70MPa (700 bar) at the tank, to 1.5MPa upstream of the fuel cell (according to European standard EC79 / 2009).
It succeeds our SimplHy® 35MPa (350 bar), our first regulator EC79 approved, which is now widely used in several families of hydrogen vehicles.

SimplHy® 70MPa offers larger capacity in terms of throughput but also in terms of interfaces with multi connections capabilities. This pressure regulator is intended to be embarked in all hydrogen vehicles designed to operate with hydrogen storage at 70MPa but also at 35MPa.
The technology used in this regulator is patented. This technology is based on the SimplHy® 35MPa (1st generation) technology, enriched by all the experience accumulated by the use of our products in many commercial applications.

The 70MPa connection elements FittHy® have been designed to enable the connection between the different high-pressure components on an easy and efficient way, while respecting safety and favoring their compactness.

After several qualifying months with the certifying bodies, SimplHy® 70MPa, the regulator and its high-pressure fittings FittHy®, obtained the approvals (EC79) necessary to be integrated into the vehicles.

Automotive manufacturers, research centers, automotive suppliers, all are in the process of testing them in preview!